Thursday, September 17, 2009


My goal was to go through my whole trip to Belize not getting sick. I’ve been taking a lot of precautions; staying away from tap water, using hand sanitizer, permethrin soaking my clothes, using mosquito repellant, taking lots of fish oil pills, and I brought a bunch of medication just in case. Unfortunately I already got sick. Luckily, no diarrhea, dengue fever, or malaria, but this morning I woke up with congestion and gunk in my throat. I’ve been taking my fish oil regularly and I really think that stuff wards of sicknesses, at least upper respiratory things. Since I’ve been taking that I haven’t gotten sick until now, so maybe I got some super powerful Belizean bug that is not as strong because of the fish oil. Hopefully, this won’t last too long and won’t get worse. It’s just perfect timing before I head out to do some fun things this weekend!
Speaking of that, in addition to my Caracol trip on Friday, I’m officially heading out to Caye Caulker on Saturday. I got reservations at a beach side cabana for pretty cheap. It’s called Popeye’s and hopefully, it isn’t totally ghetto. It says there is wireless internet, so hopefully it’s fast and Jessica and I can webcam. I’m wondering how I’m going to get to Belize City though where the boat takes off from. I wanted to leave early in the morning and I thought there would be plenty of buses, but looking at the schedules online the buses don’t start running till 12:30 pm. Other people here have told me that the buses run all day though and they all go to Belize City. I guess I’ll just leave early and hopefully there will be a bus. The bus system is funny because you don’t need a ticket; you just pay the conductor and they’ll pick you up anywhere or drop you off anywhere on the main highway. If there are no buses maybe I can hitchhike. There are a ton of hitchhikers here in Belize all along the main highways.
Today was a fairly slow day in the hospital. There were only about 3 patients in the clinic in the morning seeing Dr. Gamero. Pretty routine stuff. My patient with the burns needed another debridement so I did that in the morning. It didn’t take nearly as long. He was doing so well, and the plan was to discharge him today and do the dressing changes and debridement at the local clinic in Spanish Lookout (which is where he is from). Well, right before he left the nurse comes and gets me and says he has a fever and is having chills. His heart rate was also racing. Dr. Gamero had left after lunch because he had stuff to do in Belize City and I wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with him. Anyway, I told them that I didn’t feel comfortable sending him home obviously, but the issue was money. The Mennonite community from Spanish Lookout got together and decided to sponsor his stay in the hospital so he didn’t have to go. Thank goodness! I felt sick having to send this kid home. It’s driving me nuts because he needs a lot more testing than what I have access too. Anyway, I bolused him 1 liter of fluid, increased his daily maintenance fluid, and he’s on two IV antibiotics, Amp. and Gent. His heart rate was much better when I checked on him tonight and his fever was improving. I want to keep him until his wounds are healing well, not oozing, and he’s totally stable, but I don’t know how long they can get the funds. Pretty sad deal overall, but I’m sure glad he’s still in the hospital. I’m on call tonight. I volunteered because Dr. Gamero had to go out of town. Dr. Sierra is the back-up attending. Lately the ER has been super slow so who
knows if anyone will come in.
I titled this photo: "Fatty fat fat at Mom's Place"


  1. Hey Rhett! Intern year is going to be a breeze for you after already doing what you are doing in Belize. (I think. I'm not a doctor!) Anyway. Shawn and I are planning a trip in February and Belize is one of our hotspots. Do you recommend it? Shawn is an open "pretty boy" so hopefully if we go we would have a nice hotel......

  2. Rhett, it was fun reading about your experiences so far in Belize! Looks like you had some fun and learned a lot, even if you your doc doesn't let you do too much. Gotta love it;.. Can't wait to keep reading more posts.
