Monday, September 21, 2009

Sabbath on the Caye

Today was the most boring day I’ve had yet in Belize and it was great. I woke up early and caught the boat to San Pedro. I was looking around for the church on that island and luckily I met a local named Jose. He knew every nook and cranny of the place. He said he thought he knew where the church was so I followed him. I thought he was wrong because it was totally not near the address that was on the church website. He was right though and led me to the 3rd floor of this random building. There were no signs on the outside of the building or anything, but to my surprise on the 3rd floor there was the chapel. There is no way I would have found the church without Jose. I tried to invite him in for church, but he didn’t want to, but at least I tried some missionary work.
Church was good and everyone was really friendly. They had me say the closing prayer of their sacrament meeting. I was surprised when the meeting was only two hours long. After church I had some time to kill before the water taxi was heading back to Caye Caulker, so I just walked around and got some lunch. San Pedro is pretty and everything, but I like Caye Cualker much more. San Pedro is much bigger and more fast paced so I was ready to get back to Caye Caulker soon.
Back on Caye Caulker I had planned on going sea kayaking, but the weather turned pretty bad. The wind was blowing pretty hard and the waves were white capping so I thought it wouldn’t be a good idea. Plus I was having a good time just lounging around on a Sunday afternoon. I sat around, MSN chatted with Jessica and Marcello for a while, watched some TV, and took a nap. It was a nice day. Dinner was at a takeout Italian place just down the road. The guy was a native Italian from Bologna, right close to Ferrara, a city I served on my mission. He was nice guy and made a pretty good batch of Pasta.
So, that’s it. My day was super boring and probably even more boring to read about, but I had fun. Tomorrow I head back to the hospital after a morning of sea kayaking, if the weather is good. I was talking to the Italian guy and he said he was pretty sure the buses weren’t running tomorrow because it is a holiday. Man, it would really stink if that is true. If it is I guess I’ll be stuck in Belize City for a day, but I’m okay with that. :)

At the church

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