Sunday, September 27, 2009


Well, I have some bad news. My laptop crashed today and I can't get it working. It won't even boot up at all. Hopefully I can get all my files off of it when I get home so I don't lose those, but that makes blogging kind of hard. I guess I can't put pictures on here anymore unless I find a good internet cafe that has an SD card slot on their computers. Anyway, I'm so ticked about this it is ruining my whole day. The way it's acting I bet the motherboard is toast or something, probably not something that can be fixed. I sure hope it's not a hard drive problem or it might be difficult for me to get the files off of it. If it's working though I have tool that should get them right off so I don't lose all my pictures of Belize.
The trip to Tikal yesterday was a lot of fun. I left early at 7:30 am. Drive was about 2 to 21/2 hours. There were only two other people on my tour, a couple from Alaska. They were really cool and lived out in bush of Alaska. They don't even really live in a town. They said they are out in the sticks and there are like 6 other families in the general area. They have to provide all their own water, electricity, plumbing, etc. No TV and slow satellite internet. They didn't look like someone who would be living out in the sticks either. They looked pretty normal and were about my age. They were on their honeymoon, so it was fun to talk to them and hear about their interesting life.
Anyway, regarding Tikal it was amazing; an absolutely beautiful place. Some of the temples have been excavated so well and preserved. They are massive and even taller than the temple at Caracol. Unfortunately you can't climb the ones at Tikal. Like Caracol, only a small fraction of the city has been unearthed. There are mounds of dirt and jungle all over with ruins poking out so you can see there are many more temples and edifices around that still need to be discovered. I can't imagine what this place was like back in it's prime. Amazing that such a place could be made by such primitive people. I guess they weren't too primitive if they can build such elaborate cities.
Other than Tikal I haven't done much this weekend. Church was today and was good. The mission president of this mission and the District president were there. The mission president is hispanic and doesn't really speak english. I think that's pretty cool that the church is growing so much that they can have native people be the mission presidents and leaders. Interestingly, in this mission, most of the elders are native to Central America, but in my mission almost all were from the US. Everyone here is really nice and introduces themselves and welcomes me. I really like the branch and will be sad to leave it, although I have to say I'm excited to get home.
I only have one more week officially. This has gone by fast, but I'm getting kind of sick of being here. It's not too bad, but I'm definitely tired of the cafeteria vegetarian food and all the humidity. Plus, my hospital experience hasn't been that great either this last week so hopefully this week will bring something more exciting. Working with Dr. Sierra should make things better.
Well, I'm paying for my internet now at a local cafe so I better go.

I was able to get my computer working, get the pictures off of it, and add these after my trip.

Temple of the Jaguar and Me

Tikal in the distance

Sacrificial blocks where they would chop heads off

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